Zoë Alexi
Zoë Alexi ~ zoe@zoetrager.com ~ 978-475-5748
Massage Therapist ~ Trager® Practitioner ~ Reflexologist


Muscular Therapy (Massage) helps break down chronic muscle tension and restore muscles to their normal function. Stress, trauma and injuries are among the causes of chronic muscle contraction. This chronic tension can bring on pain, restricted movement, headaches and lack of circulation that may make every day activities difficult. Massage reduces muscle contraction by elongating and broadening the muscle fibers improving circulation and bringing needed blood and nutrients to the muscle tissue. Body care exercises done at home can help maintain the work that has been done in the session. Muscular therapy helps reduce pain, stiffness and stress and helps increase movement of the joints.

Zoë Alexi ~ zoe@zoetrager.com ~ 978-475-5748
Massage Therapist ~ Trager® Practitioner ~ Reflexologist

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©2005, Zoe Alexi and Fearsome Eye Productions